Iris on the Prize | Family Farm Session

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When Iris’s daughter contacted me about scheduling a family session for her mother; I’ll be honest in my head I pictured a cute, small, grandma wrapped in a cardigan at her home she raised all her kids in, and something like a hallmark movie scene. I was not prepared to meet Iris;  the complete opposite of my vision. A woman who was standing on her own two feet, on her own land, and in her own home. Iris was the prime example of what strength, perseverance, and following your heart looked like. All at the amazing age of 50! 

I am always (yes even after 10 years) amazed and inspired by so many of my clients. With each session and meeting I find myself walking away with life lessons, education, and encouragement that I feel no one can get from inside a classroom Iris walked her land with such confidence, happiness, and most of all contentment. At the young and wise age of 50 she was starting on a new course of being a black woman who would own her own land/farm. It included a beautiful home, gorgeous pool, pond, and more. All which she acquired and had begin to rebuild and fix. As we walked that land capturing family picture with her grandchildren; including her 2 week old grand baby, and only daughter I realized I was witnessing the birth of generations to walk these very fields. Her contentment came with not only knowing that she was building something for her family and future families to come, but she was showing her daughter, granddaughter, and unknowingly all women that we could do go outside our comfort zones and be anything we want with success. We could be pillars, story keepers, home owner, farmers, and grandmothers! 

As I watched Iris interact with her family I felt such pride and joy for her, but also selfishly  I was proud to be in her presence. To be apart of something so much bigger than us all. It’s moments and times like this that great things happen. When Monique (Iris’ daughter) emailed me she had no clue I would fall in love with their families story, and write about her mother with such wonder and aww. Iris bought a farm, because it was her dream at the time she didn't know it would become a pillar for her family and a salutary for her grand kids to come. Some home we puzzled are way together, and history is being formed. I myself am honored to play the very small roll; of documenting a moment in their story. 

Stay tuned for more as I hope to bring a special piece on Iris and her life journey. For now enjoy  this glimpse into her world and heart.

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